My ‘trick’, an oyster shuck given to me by my friend Felix, much preferable to the commoner thicker bladed sort. It can also be used to open wine bottles in a pinch.

A 19th century sugar mould from Clou Antiques, a brilliant kitchenalia dealer at Spitalfields Antiques Market. Someone said they thought it was a chocolate mould, but we disagree.

A black silicone spatula, I have three. Baking is terrible without them. A 17th century ladle, battered, holding its age well, with a small hole that means one has to move soup to bowl quickly.

A fruit or cake stand. I don’t know when it was made, but it looks to be out of a Flemish painting. On it are three stone eggs, two apples, two stone apples and a painted fig. Three mugs, the topmost is from the Leech Pottery in St Ives and has held my morning tea almost every day (at home) for the last decade; bottom left is new to the house, and a wonder of early 19th century minimalism; bottom right is 19thc Gaudy Welsh, not-at-all precious save holding the secret step from mass production and artisanal labour, it has held my morning coffee for the last year.

A bronze tray, for bringing Lo’ tuna melts in bed.