Cinema or Dark Tranan Bar Lore or Microcelebrity Death Match: Stockholm Edition or “Some People Have a Girlfriend Some People Have a Boyfriend I Have A Parasocial Relationship With Elis Burrau” or This is Also Dedicated to Nora, Frida, Elis, Albin, Albin’s Ex, Hannah Wik, Karl Ove, Makode Linde, Militza, Korine, The Turks, The Kurds, Gracie Abrams, my alcoholic loser turbo faggot white trash racist rapist chronically online chronically crashing out friends who I love in Lower Manhattan and The Stockholm Woke Mob or I Am The Best Actor Of My Generation #2

by Peter Vack

The mosh pit at
Show Me the Body
in Sthlm 22/8

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